Here is the list of participants from Woodbridge Senior High School Class of 1982 who attended the 20 year Reunion.
Rock Herndon
Stephanie Hiett
James Hobbs
Bryan Holland
Jim Hopp
Lois Hughes
Debbie Jankovits
Tony Jiminez
Todd Kaufman
David Kelley
Mark Kitta
Roger Knutson
Karen Lackey
Linda LaCroix
Lisa LaCroix
Wendy Lam
Tammy LePoer
Joe Lloyd
Tracey Long
Melanie MacDonald
Mike Mauck
Annette May
Rob Mellenkamp
Lianna Meyer
Kim Michell
David Michelow
Alan (Chip) Mills
Eric Misencik
Darryl Myers
John Navarro
Joe Nelson
Teresa Noble
Kim Nordberg
Greg Nungesser
Carolyn Offield
Bill O'Mara
Sherry O'Quinn
Tony Organt
Meg Ort
Beth Payne
Kerry Pennington
Cheryl Phillips
Glenn Phillips
Debbie Pigg
Peggy Piram
Brenda Pischner
Mike Plunkett
Laura Pruitt
Sharon Ratcliff
Frani Rayman
Kate Redgate
Megan Redgate
Tim Riley
Liz Risher
Kevin Robinson
David Rodenas
Jennifer Roy
Kent Shiffert
Beth Shumway
Mike Slater
Mark Sluss
Andy Smith
Darryl Smith
Dianne Smith
Kathy Spivey
Janice Stapulonis
Debbie St. Clair
Billy St.John
Jim Stein
Mary Strain
Maureen Sullivan
Tim Sutherland
Mary Sykes
Bonnie Tarsia
Brian Tivnan
Chris Tulip
Monique Turgeon
Sondra Vincent
Kristin Walus
Harvey Warnick
Barbara Webster
David Williams
Carrie Worcester
Mike Wellman
Debbie Woble
Kim Wolfe
Hunter Woods
Melissa Yates
Mara Youmans
Tom Zelko
If you would like for me to turn your name into a link to your e-mail address or home page, just click my email button and send me the address you want me to use. Or, if you want to be added or removed from this list - just let me know! :o)